Where you can, use events that bubble and attach elements to the document object. You can then filter them on a selector.
If you have a JavaScript plugin that needs to keep state, store that state on that element’s dataset. Then, in the click handler, you can check whether the plugin is initialized by checking that elements dataset, and initialise it if it isn’t.
Getting into it
It’s becoming much harder to reason about the state of the document when our JavaScript is being run. For example:
Content might be populated after the JavaScript has been run by AJAX, such as category facets
Content might be constructed by other JavaScript that our JavaScript doesn’t know about, such as third party scripts
Our scripts might be loaded and executed asynchronously.
Making HTML content interactive with JavaScript is a hugely common requirement; triggering modals, tracking users or showing a quick view are all pretty common tasks. More often then not, developers do something like the following:
<div class="item-list__item">Alert</div>
<div class="item-list__item">Alert</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.querySelectorAll('.item-list__item').forEach(function(el) {
function() {
alert('Hello, World!);
In that example, the developer adds an event handler to the element that listens for the users Click event. This is possible as the JavaScript is executed immediately after the elements are declared in the DOM — the elements are guaranteed to exist. However, this isn’t always possible — consider the example below:
There is a lot of boilrplate code in the examples to make the filtering work. Mostly, it’s irrelevant to this post, but if you’re curious feel free to poke around.
The JavaScript creates new elements when the user clicks the filter buttons. However, Consider a new requirement with this example — each of these elements much create an alert that says “Hello”. On the face of it, it seems pretty trivial; the style might should work fine:
// Let's stick things in a closure, so it's nice and tidy
(function() {
// Create the event handler on the document ready event, as we know then that the DOM document that was initially loaded
// will be rendered about now.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
// Get each of the elements
document.querySelectorAll('.item-list__item').forEach(function(el) {
// Bind the click handler
el.addEventListener('click', function() {
alert('Hello, World');
At first glance, this seems to work. Quite often a solution like this will make it to the production site! However, after using for a short period it’s apparent it’s broken. On the first click, it works fine, but once a user has applied the filter the click does not work anymore. Examining the source of the filter JS makes it apparent why:
Facet.prototype.query = function() {
var noElements = Number(this.options.elements);
var template = this.renderTemplate(this.options.templateVariables);
var output = '';
for (var i = 0; i < noElements; i++) {
output += template;
this.container.innerHTML = output; // <-- This bit is the important bit
The elements that the event listeners were bound to are gone; deleted and replaced with the new facets in the query function above. So, how can this issue be resolved? There are two alternatives:
Rebind the event handlers in the query function
Take advantage of event bubbling to capture the event on a parent event
Each has its own advantages, but in this case option 2 is better. To explain why, we need to define event bubbling
Event bubbling and capturing are two ways of event propagation in the HTML DOM API, when an event occurs in an element inside another element, and both elements have registered a handle for that event. With bubbling, the event is first captured and handled by the innermost element and then propagated to outer elements.
Event bubbling allows the handling of the event on a parent DOM element, not the one that dispatched the event. The most stable element is the document, and is thus the easiest to use. So, modifying the example from earlier:
// Let's stick things in a closure, so it's nice and tidy
(function() {
var selector = '.item-list__item';
// We bind the event handler directly to the document.
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// All click events will be handled by this function, so it needs to be as cheap as possible. To check
// whether this function should be invoked, we're going to check whether the element that was clicked on
// was the elemnt that we care about. The element that was clicked on is made available at ""
var el =;
// Check if it matches our previously defined selector
if (!el.matches(selector)) {
// The method logic
alert('Hello, World!');
It works! The user can rearrange the items how they wish and the click will work just fine. Notice the line document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’) is also gone. Previously, it was required but now it doesn’t matter — the JavaScript can be executed before or after those elements exist, and will work anytime after it has been executed.
This can be applied to even more complex examples. Quite often some sort of complex initialisation is required with a JavaScript class and doing that on every event is needlessly expensive. An example of this complexity is simulated below, where every click event handler sleeps for three seconds before alerting:
// Let's stick things in a closure, so it's nice and tidy
(function() {
var selector = '.item-list__item';
// We bind the event handler directly to the document.
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// All click events will be handled by this function, so it needs to be as cheap as possible. To check
// whether this function should be invoked, we're going to check whether the element that was clicked on
// was the elemnt that we care about. The element that was clicked on is made available at ""
var el =;
// Check if it matches our previously defined selector
if (!el.matches(selector)) {
// This is a contrived example that just sleeps for one second, however more commonly you'll see this with
// AJAX calls or just expensive JavaScript.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000); // 3 second timeout
The sleep is an example, but it could be replaced by a slow server response or some super nasty JS initialisation. An excellent solution is used by the Bootstrap library. Every click, the event handler on the document will fire and check whether the initialised JavaScript object exists in the Element.dataset. If it does, it skips initialisation and invokes the method normally invoked by the event. However, If it doesn’t, the click handler will initialise the class and store that object on Element.dataset, then invoke the method:
// Let's stick things in a closure, so it's nice and tidy
(function() {
var selector = '.item-list__item';
// We bind the event handler directly to the document.
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// All click events will be handled by this function, so it needs to be as cheap as possible. To check
// whether this function should be invoked, we're going to check whether the element that was clicked on
// was the elemnt that we care about. The element that was clicked on is made available at ""
var el =;
// Check if it matches our previously defined selector
if (!el.matches(selector)) {
// Here, we're checking whether the script has been run previously. You can store anything here -
// I like storing initialized, stateful plugins.
var result = el.dataset.result;
if (!result) {
setTimeout(function() {
el.dataset.result = "Hello, World!";
}, 3000);
That’s quite a bit better. The first click still takes the 3 seconds, however the next click of that same element is immediate.
Performance Implications
Attaching the click event handler to the document means that click handler will be run with every click in the document . Therefore, we need that function to be as cheap as possible; this is accomplished by exiting early if it is not an element that we care about.
Further, the event handlers of every intermediary element will also be fired:
<html> <!-- Your event handler is here -->
<div class="foo"> <!-- Click events get handled here -->
<div class="bar"> <!-- Click events get handled here -->
<button id="#baz">Alert</button> <!-- Click events get handled here -->
If there’s an expensive event handler between the event handler and the event dispatcher, that event handler will get run before and block the execution of the event handler. To solve this, always terminate as early as possible.
When it’s better not to do this
If there is no chance the element associated with an event will be inserted with AJAX, bind the event on the element itself. It avoids all of the performance issues above.
When this doesn’t work
Not all events bubble. For example, while Click does bubble and can be handled by the parent elements, Blur does not. For a full list of elements, consult the MDN.
Getting tripped up by the wrong element being clicked
I ran into an issue writing this post in that the element the user was clicking on was not the element I was checking against. Consider the following example:
<div class="button-container" id="event-handler">
<button>Hello, World</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// This won't work
if (!'#event-handler')) {
alert('Hello, World');
The user is clicking on the button, not the div container. So, the code above won’t work until it’s modified like so:
<div class="button-container">
<button id="event-handler">Hello, World</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// This works, as it matches the ID of the button
if (!'#event-handler')) {
alert('Hello, World');
That’s it! There are no comments on this blog post just yet. That will be done at some point, however, if there is anything hilariously wrong, please feel free to contact me (check the footer).
This is all written without the use of any libraries. The most common library I use to solve a bunch of these problems is jQuery; however, so as to keep this as “forward looking” as possible everything is implemented in ES5 or polyfilled ES6 (So, it should still work on IE)
I’m quite looking forward to the day IE (not Edge) dies. It’ll allow the use of much more ES6 stuff, and much simpler CSS APIs
2019–01–09: Fixed comment in the last code block (Thanks Tobias Hartmann)