Does it make sense to self manage services?
So recently I’ve been having a discussion with various people about whether it makes sense to self manage critical services. This post is…
So recently I’ve been having a discussion with various people about whether it makes sense to self manage critical services. This post is to help me think about whether it does (writing helps me think). So, the problem: There are various services that a business relies in to perform day to day work. Running these services has an inherent complexity, such as:
Installing the service
Customizing it to the business need
Upgrading it
Repairing it when it inevitably breaks
As well as the financial costs of the hardware and the time to do the aforementioned tasks. There are further the additional risks of having to maintain that domain specific knowledge among several members of the team. There are many services that fall into this category, such as:
Local office networking infrastructure
Public facing internet services and web applications
Internal facing internet services and web applications
If any of the above systems break, it will cause further downstream breakage which will, in turn, prevent the business from being able to do or generate further billable work. To illustrate this further, let’s take the example of email:
Email server goes down for a period of 8 hours; 400 emails were neither received nor sent; the total is usually ~4000 / month.
Marketing manager cannot send offer as expected to client before tender date ends
Client goes with another business to provide their service.
That downtime has cost all of the revenue from that client, as well as the marketing managers lost investment time in preparing the brief. There are various factors in determining whether this was a reasonable risk, including:
Calculate the availability
Calculate the projected financial losses associated with that service being unavailable
Multiply the projected losses against the unavailability
Calculate the cost of a comparable alternative servic
We an apply these to our above example:
Availability: 99.90%
Anticpated cost: 100,000 EU / 0.10% of downtime.
We can compare this availability to a vendor. Let’s take Google Mail
SLO Availability: 99.95%
Cost for 25 users: 100/Month
Given the above math, we can trivially compare the costs of 50,000 EU (1/2 of the .10 downtime cost) and 100 EU, and decide that it makes sense to host our email in a third party provider. Further, email is a fairly stable service with a well known contract that has not changed in many years, so the opportunity costs (or risk of change) is likely to be extremely small.
However, there are cases in which it may make more sense to run the service internally. Instead of email, let’s take the example of a wiki. To provide the scenario:
Wiki goes down for 8 hours; users are unable to look up documentation about internal business processes
User incorrectly submits an internal report or cannot find internal data. Must ask a colleague who is more familiar with the topic.
The Google Site Reliability Engineering book indicates that a “context switch” costs approximately 20 minutes. We can place this outage then at a cost of ~30 EU. Additionally, wiki costs approximately 20 EU per month to host on internal hardware. Conversely, the company “Saas Web” offers a wiki hosting service at between 15–125 EU / Month. So, it might be cheaper to host it externally. Or it might not — it’s hard to say.
Normally then, it appears it’s better for most businesses to host their business critical applications on other providers. However, the economics of a development services agency are a little different. A development agency specialises in the customisation of an application to improve business outcomes for a business consumer. In order to adequately develop these customisations, the engineer must have a sound understanding of the system in which the application will operate. Let’s review a couple of examples:
An application developer is developing a new shop system on behalf of the client. They know of several shop systems, however the newer set of shop systems will require at least PHP 7.0 to run. It's still the case that many third party systems have not and will not upgrade to PHP 7.x in the near future, due to backwards compatbility concerns.
A frontend developer is implementing a new checkout process for an e-commerce system. The developer is choosing whether to implement a simple, render blocking JS pattern or an asynchronous, modular JS pattern. Newer application environments include HTTP/2, which will make the asynchronous pattern considerably more efficient and result in a faster load time for the user (and presumably more conversions for the business owner).
An application developer is determining whether it's possible to integrate another third party codebase into their application that has been obscured using the third party PHP extension IonCube.
An application developer needs to show the client the changes as well as conduct testing in an environment that is as similar to the production environment as possible.
In the above cases, knowing the state of the environment that the application is being deployed to, and being able to design the environment will allow the developer to implement superior solutions. This is only possible when the infrastructure is within a domain the application developer is able to control or understand.
Further, while hosting companies typically due an excellent job of making sure a service is available hosted with them, the host is unlikely to create bespoke customisations that will considerably increase the efficiency of the application developer, such as:
Application specific host customisations (mounting partitions on tmpfs, installing software etc)
Host performance work (TCP optimisation, NGINX / Apache configuration adjustments)
Workflow driven automation (CI/CD)
If the above is accepted as a reasonable tradeoff, the development company can invest in developing this infrastructure and progressively yield higher returns on the investment as the infrastructure becomes more mature. Further, the ability to customize the systems to make the lives of the application developers easier allows those developers to further specialise and become more efficient at their core business, without worrying about learning to work multiple different heterogeneous environments.
Thus, I have the view that the hosting is in the domain the development services company specialises in, they should consider managing the instances themselves, as well as developing the procedures necessary to ensure the continued security and stability of these platforms.